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Legacy students no longer have an advantage at Stanford and other private California colleges

California Gov. Gavin Newsom announced a ban on legacy preference in admissions at all private schools in the state, including Stanford and USC. Gavin Newsom announced a ban on legacy preference in private-college admissions. California is the second state to ban the practice at private colleges. Legacy preference has been under scrutiny since the Supreme Court's decision on affirmative action. Students can no longer use their legacy connections to help them get accepted to prestigious California schools like Stanford.Following the Supreme Court's decision on affirmative action last summer that prohibited schools from considering race in college admissions, the admissions practices of colleges across the country have come under increased scrutiny, with legacy preference at the center of the conversation.Colleges have long used the admission of legacy students to ensure continued donations to support their endowments.However, some colleges have taken proactive steps over the past decade to ban legacy preference in their admissions practices.

What are the best online discussion forums for college students? - Quora

Answer (1 of 9): While I was in college I was exposed to this world that I didn't know was possible. The Pre-Placement Training at CU that included AMCAT tests & mock interviews incorporated along with academics from day one boosted my confidence to face MNCs selection process. It also helped me ...


Student Support - Q & A Discussion Forum

Using the Moodle Q&A Discussion Forum A Moodle Q&A forum is a special type of forum that requires students to post a response to a teacher created question before they will be able to see the replies of others. Q&A forums DO NOT allow students to start their own discussion threads. You will know Step 3: Click on the title of the discussion forum to open and view the conversation. Step 4: Click on the discussion question already posted by your professor.Note: In order to see other responses to the question, you must first post your answer and wait 15 minutes. Step 5: Click Reply. Step 6: Enter your post in the Message field. Tip: You can also copy and paste your post from another document, such as a Word document. Moodle may time you out after a certain length of time. Step 7: Click post to forum.You will know you are in a Q&A forum if you see this message and/oor are unable to create a discussion thread.If your instructor is requiring you to add a file to your discussion post, follow the steps on the Add File to Discussion Forum page.


7 Tips to Impress College Admissions Officers | Best Colleges | U.S. News

Demonstrating passion and achievements that align with a college can get you noticed by admissions officers. But with authenticity and an understanding of what admissions officers seek, you can help your application rise to the top. “College admission counselors don’t seek to be impressed by students,” says Laura Stratton, director of admission at Scripps College in California. “We get excited when there is a clear alignment between what a student is seeking in a college community, both academically and socially, and what we can provide.”Even before the college application process begins, prospective students may want to consider meeting directly with an admissions counselor who can answer their questions or provide guidance on applying to college. “My job is to help students feel connected to the institution and to invite them in," Nolin says.“The best quality a student can bring to the admission process is a sense of knowing themselves, their strengths, goals and what they will contribute to their college community,” Stratton says.It's something admissions committees will note. Stratton says a quality that is greatly appreciated by admissions officers “is the ability to follow directions, answer the prompts provided, meet deadlines and send requested materials – not more, not less.”


Students navigate new college admissions landscape, one year after affirmative action is struck down - ABC News

Students applying to post-secondary schools following the Supreme Court's affirmative-action decision in college admissions are navigating a new landscape. Transfer student Joely Castillo workshopped her college applications with the Kaplan Educational Foundation, a non-profit that works with underprivileged community college students. ... “There are already so many obstacles that disproportionately affect students of color,” said Joely Castillo, a Brown University transfer student. Castillo said she had a difficult upbringing. After her father was arrested and imprisoned, her mother raised three girls on her own. After high school, she immediately started working multiple jobs to help support her family.Virginia, Maryland and Colorado have banned the practice of legacy admissions in colleges. Other states, such as California, New York and Massachusetts are considering similar proposals. ... Adam Mortara, the lead counsel who helped strike down affirmative action on behalf of Students for Fair Admissions, claimed Harvard had previously unfairly held Asian American applicants to a higher standard.The court held, in a 6-3 decision, that Harvard and the University of North Carolina’s admissions programs, which had accounted for race at various stages in the process, violated the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S.Harvard has denied any bias or discrimination against Asian American applicants in their admissions process. In a statement to ABC News, Harvard claims in part they have “taken several steps to arrive in compliance with the ruling from the Supreme Court.


Some elite US universities favor wealthy students in admissions decisions, lawsuit alleges | AP News

New filings in a 2022 class-action lawsuit contend that children of the wealthy and connected get special admissions consideration at some elite U.S. universities. “MIT has no history of wealth favoritism in its admissions; quite the opposite,” university spokesperson Kimberly Allen said. “After years of discovery in which millions of documents were produced that provide an overwhelming record of independence in our admissions process, plaintiffs could cite just a single instance in which the recommendation of a board member helped sway the decisions for two undergraduate applicants.”Although it’s always been assumed that such favoritism exists, the filings offer a rare peek at the often secret deliberations of university heads and admissions officials. They show how schools admit otherwise unqualified wealthy children because their parents have connections and could possibly donate large sums down the line, raising questions about fairness.“Plaintiffs’ whole case is an attempt to embarrass the University about its purported admission practices on issues totally unrelated to this case,” the school said. Notre Dame officials also called the case baseless. “We are confident that every student admitted to Notre Dame is fully qualified and ready to succeed,” a university spokesperson said in a statement.Some of the examples pointed to in this week’s court filings showed that just being able to pay full tuition would give students an advantage. During a deposition, a former Vanderbilt admissions director said that in some cases, a student would get an edge on the waitlist if they didn’t need financial aid.


During test-optional college admissions, exam-prep companies still thrived

Standardised tests have been optional at many US colleges since 2020, including Harvard and Yale. But many applicants still took them. Comparatively, only about 10% of SAT test-takers during those two years came from the lowest earning quintile ($53,263 [£42,838] or lower). "Students coming from the highest income levels not only took the SAT more than any other group, but they scored the highest," says Sara Harberson, a former dean of admissions at Pennsylvania's Franklin & Marshall College, and a college admissions expert.According to the College Board, which develops and administers standardised tests, 2.2 million American students in the class of 2019 took the SAT, an increase of 4% over the past year. It was the largest group ever. During the pandemic, however, amid mass cancellations at testing centres and disruptions in the college admissions process the exams became optional at many US institutions – in most cases, for the first time.On its face, this is good news for the test-prep industry, which stands to benefit from customers keen to ace once-again compulsory exams. But experts in the industry say these companies' bottom lines held surprisingly steady during the four years of test-optional admissions.Yet test-optional admissions policies are on the way out.

Best Forums For Students – High-School, Undergrad & Grad School Forums List | IT MANIACS

Forums for students, as well as discussion or message boards and online communities are still the best way for high-school, college undergrad or grad school… However, Chegg Study is a paid subscription ($14.95 per month) that offers text book solutions, and expert Q/A to help you learn how to solve your homework. Also, there is a community-driven library featuring flashcards, forums, and study guides too.Brainly consists of a discussion board and has an online forum where students discuss their study issues. If you are stuck and don’t know how to find answers to a question, this site can help out in many ways. Furthermore, you can expect a quick, clear, and moderated response from different members. There are about 350 million users (students & teachers/experts), and you can search for millions of questions without any delay. Kialo is a community platform for debates targeted mostly at -but not limited to- college students, it offers the tools for people to start a debate, present their claims, up-vote arguments and make contributions to defend them in a constructive manner.The English Forums is the world’s largest English-language-learning community and Q/A site online, it gathers English learners and teachers from around the world, in a super active community of people that help each other.r/School: a place to get help, advice, rant, and anything related to school., ~25k members · r/HighSchool: a subreddit for all things related to high school, ~30k members · r/GED: a forum for GED and High School Equivalency Information, ~4k members · r/College: a subreddit for discussions related to college, ~500k members · r/ApplyingToCollege: a forum for college admissions questions & discussions, ~350k members


Postgraduate Applications - The Student Room

Are you considering applying to a postgraduate course? Come here for answers about funding, choosing your course, and preparing a successful application. Quick links · All forums · Universities and colleges · Uni life · Study help section · Community guidelines · Study forums · Welcome lounge · IB forum · Scottish qualifications forum · BTEC forum · University guides · TSR news, help and feedback ·We have a brilliant team of more than 60 Support Team members looking after discussions on The Student Room, helping to make it a fun, safe and useful place to hang out. ... Girls Vs. Boys (Part 46) ... Make it More Star Trek-ey !! ... The Student Room and The Uni Guide are both part of The Student Room Group. ... The Student Room and The Uni Guide are trading names of The Student Room Group Ltd. Register Number: 04666380 (England and Wales), VAT No. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB

What to Know About College Admissions Forums

Forums such as Reddit and Quora are often where students go with a variety of questions about all things admissions. "Prospective and admitted college students are the main users gravitating towards these platforms," says Steve App, business development manager at Wisconsin-based Campus Sonar, which conducts social media research and audience analysis for colleges. "They are using it to get help ... Forums such as Reddit and Quora are often where students go with a variety of questions about all things admissions. "Prospective and admitted college students are the main users gravitating towards these platforms," says Steve App, business development manager at Wisconsin-based Campus Sonar, which conducts social media research and audience analysis for colleges. "They are using it to get help with building out college lists.Quora and Reddit college admissions forums offer personal experiences and professional perspectives.Boerckel often offers up college admissions advice as u/ScholarGrade on Reddit. Both Reddit and Quora are free and easy to sign up for, but they differ slightly in terms of functionality. Reddit, for example, functions more like a traditional message board. Users can join subreddits – boards within the website that function as communities with varying sets of rules – to engage others in discussions about topics of interest.High school counselors are understaffed and overworked, and independent education counselors can be costly. That means students are often on their own with college admissions questions, but increasingly more are turning to internet forums for answers.


Azure - Microsoft Q&A

A cloud computing platform and infrastructure for building, deploying and managing applications and services through a worldwide network of Microsoft-managed datacenters. An Azure service that provides natural language capabilities including sentiment analysis, entity extraction, and automated question answering. ... I am trying to implement signing for software I plan to release on Windows, but the continuous failures to verify my business's identity are blocking me from doing so. I have submitted certificates, domain invoices, etc. and I have no idea why it has… ... Trusted Signing is a Microsoft fully managed, end-to-end signing solution that simplifies the certificate signing process and helps partner developers more easily build and distribute applications.Good afternoon. I am writing code in Python Fastapi in which the bot asks questions and the user answers. Help with documentation to add Azure AvatareHi Team, the Sandbox hasn't been working for me. I'm getting an error message of: The sandbox for this module is currently unavailable. We're working to resolve this as quickly as is not showing that i have completed the module when i have and im not sure why its doing that i should have completed the entire learning path but the xp indicator isnt showing it This question is related to the following Learning Module


GMAT Club - Leading Forum for GMAT Prep and MBA Admissions

Ask Admissionado • Ask mbaMission • Ask Square One Prep • ApplicantLab • Ask Stratus Admissions Counseling • Peer Review ... New Post BYU Marriot MBA + Job search experience | Shankar's success story! ... • Case Interview Prep • Financial Markets • The B-School Knowledge ... Test of English as a Foreign Language · 1,158 Topics · 4,498 Posts · New Post TOEFL Score · by: Samé · 19 Dec 2024, 14:49 · LSAT · 21 Topics · 119 Posts · New Post Need some help with puzzles · by: poojaarora1818 · 18 Nov 2023, 10:21 · CAT India (Common Admissions Test) • Quantitative CAT Questions • Verbal CAT Questions · 155 Topics · 398 Posts · New Post Welcome to the New CAT India Forum!• Ask Admissionado • Ask mbaMission • Ask Square One Prep • ApplicantLab • Ask Stratus Admissions Counseling • Peer Review ... New Post BYU Marriot MBA + Job search experience | Shankar's success story! ... • Case Interview Prep • Financial Markets • The B-School Knowledge Vault • Share your B-School Admit experience. • Part-Time MBA Programs • Online MBA Programs ... New Post Welcome to the New CAT India Forum!• Data Sufficiency (DS) • Graphs and Tables (G&T) • Multi-Source Reasoning (MSR) • Two-part Analysis (TPA) ... • GRE Resources & Discussions • GRE Quant • Multiple-choice Select One Answer • Quantitative Comparison • GRE Verbal10AJ, 11oadfalk, 19nicholasdavis, 2928aap, 8879328996, A1nsah, aakankshaKh, AayushM29, ABail, achawla5, AdamMaddison, addcool96, adityarajdutta123, agasti9, Aimansmaili, Ajai11, Akashmon, Akshara94, akshaydesai26, alixzz, allan10, ama2025, ami000, amritshankar, anandpj, Andresguraieb, anepifantseva, angelaweinbergco, anh28720, Anirban_iimisb, anish823, Ankanleo, ankitagoswami, ankitgeorge02, AnshiJ, Anshul4321, anushkaa06, aoksdmod, Apetorr, Apoorv1, Aravno, architbhayana2024, Arpita1109, ArushSinha19, avilidgi, avinashvarijan, Ayushi0002, AyyanRazvi, Backoftheclass, bali2024, Baluk, bench0, b


Posting on the Q&A Forum | ACI Learning Help Center

Best practices for posting your questions on the Q&A Forum If you’re posting a question that can be solved, please use the dropdown menu on the Submit button to “Ask as question." When your question is solved by a member of the Forum, you’ll be able to then change your post by selecting “Mark as Solved” to help other members.Looking for more info about the Forum? Check out this article! 👉 Free members can search previous posts, but cannot post new topics. To navigate to the Q&A Forum page, you can click the Q&A Forum button from the left side navigation bar when signed into your ITPro account, or go directly to You'll then need to login using your ITPro credentials at the top of the screen:Once logged into the Forum, you can post your question in whichever category your question falls under.For posts you are watching, you’ll receive alerts about updates and replies to the post in your Notifications, found at the top right of the Forum page.


I taught college-bound seniors for a decade. Here's what many wanted their parents to know about college admissions.

As a high school teacher, I worked closely with college-bound teens. They want parents to know that they're stressed about paying tuition, too. I taught high schoolers for 10 years and often overheard their complaints about college admissions.It's the first question any new college student gets repeatedly: What's your major?"The bottom line: Some students don't feel heard about their major choice and feel judged because it's not their parents' idea of the "right" path. Opening up a dialogue with students can help them understand what they really want to do.Some of the conversations I overheard included, "I'm worried about my mom trying to pay for college when she already doesn't have enough money," "I need to figure out this FAFSA because I know my parents aren't going to help," and, "I'm going to be in debt forever, but what other choice do I have?"


GMAT Club - Leading Forum for GMAT Prep and MBA Admissions

Join the largest GMAT and MBA community at GMAT Club. Get expert advice, free tests, questions and admission tips. Boost your GMAT score and MBA chances Test of English as a Foreign Language · 1,158 Topics · 4,498 Posts · New Post TOEFL Score · by: Samé · 19 Dec 2024, 14:49 · LSAT · 21 Topics · 119 Posts · New Post Need some help with puzzles · by: poojaarora1818 · 18 Nov 2023, 10:21 · CAT India (Common Admissions Test) • Quantitative CAT Questions • Verbal CAT Questions · 155 Topics · 398 Posts · New Post Welcome to the New CAT India Forum!• Ask Admissionado • Ask mbaMission • Ask Square One Prep • ApplicantLab • Ask Stratus Admissions Counseling • Peer Review ... New Post BYU Marriot MBA + Job search experience | Shankar's success story! ... • Case Interview Prep • Financial Markets • The B-School Knowledge Vault • Share your B-School Admit experience. • Part-Time MBA Programs • Online MBA Programs ... New Post Welcome to the New CAT India Forum!• Data Sufficiency (DS) • Graphs and Tables (G&T) • Multi-Source Reasoning (MSR) • Two-part Analysis (TPA) ... • GRE Resources & Discussions • GRE Quant • Multiple-choice Select One Answer • Quantitative Comparison • GRE Verbal10AJ, 11oadfalk, 19nicholasdavis, 2928aap, 8879328996, A1nsah, aakankshaKh, AayushM29, ABail, achawla5, AdamMaddison, addcool96, adityarajdutta123, agasti9, Aimansmaili, Ajai11, Akashmon, Akshara94, akshaydesai26, alixzz, allan10, ama2025, ami000, amritshankar, anandpj, Andresguraieb, anepifantseva, angelaweinbergco, anh28720, Anirban_iimisb, anish823, Ankanleo, ankitagoswami, ankitgeorge02, AnshiJ, Anshul4321, anushkaa06, aoksdmod, Apetorr, Apoorv1, Aravno, architbhayana2024, Arpita1109, ArushSinha19, avilidgi, avinashvarijan, Ayushi0002, AyyanRazvi, Backoftheclass, bali2024, Baluk, bench0, b


California bans universities from admitting students based on ‘legacy’ | California | The Guardian

The rule, in effect from September 2025, will block colleges from giving preference to pupils close to alumni and donors Illinois, Colorado and Virginia have previously passed legislation banning public university admission based on “legacy status”, or connections to donors, according to the National Conference of State Legislators.The wave of new state laws comes in response to the decision last year by the supreme court’s conservative majority to bar both private and public universities from considering race as a factor in college admissions.The litigation over racially-based “affirmative action” put a spotlight on all the ways that white students benefit from non-racially-coded admissions practices, particularly “legacy” admissions, which media outlets dubbed “affirmative action for rich kids”.The California law will ban admissions offices from “favoring applicants whose family members are graduates of or are significant donors to the school”, which Ting’s office called an “unfair practice often results in a wealthier, less racially diverse student body”.

Canvas Question Forum - Instructure Community

Have a question about using Canvas? Ask in the Canvas Community where our active user base can provide an answer on a variety of topics. The latest questions and discussions in Canvas Question Forum. Ask a question, start a discussion, contribute to the global Instructure CommunityFrom our Instructure Community to yours: Wishing you a warm holiday season! ... Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type.Can anyone help me find/enable Google Apps? I am using the Free Version but really need to be able to link to my Google Drive for Slides and Docs. ... Question is the same as the title.Is there a discord server for Canvas that can be joined? I am a student looking for a community that specializes in Canvas.Please make it easier to suggest improvements to Canvas. My understanding based on past experience is that the helpdesk personnel are not supposed to pass on suggestions, and instead instructors are supposed to come to this Canvas community and ente...
